Hands-on Classes
Hands-on PSI exam training is designed to prepare students and participants through guided demonstrations and practical experience. You’ll learn proven techniques and gain confidence as you practice essential skills. Most classes require registrants to bring a live model, though some may use a mannequin. Reserve your spot or obtain more info! (A deposit is required to secure your booking.)

Hands-on Classes for the Texas Barber Practical Exam (4 Hrs) - $469
A complete walk-through and effective training class for what is expected from candidates at the exam, it is designed to put candidates in a similar environment to what they will face at the exam site. You may receive one-on-one training or possibly share the training session with another candidate, as Barber Builders Training Academy reserves the right to schedule up to two candidates. For an extra fee of $60, you can guarantee one-on-one training. Includes free membership to online course!

Personal Speed Coaching
Learners are taught how to increase and streamline their process. I personally coach you through a system to lead you to faster results.

One-on-one Skills Training (2 Hrs) - $150
Learners may want to take advantage of a more concentrated training session. Choose the one-on-one training session of your choice depending on which subject matter or technical skill you may wish to improve.